Reflections Can Be Hard

Reflections can be challenging. Looking back at what you have accomplished is more complex than remembering what you should have done better. WHY!!??? This should not be the case! As we look back on this school year, we have accomplished so much, overcame, adapted, and lost. We should be able to say, “This year was …, but I made it the best I could with what I had”. When looking back at what we have accomplished and looking forward to the future goals,, we need to have the ability to recognize and celebrate what we have achieved. Here’s to a school year like no other.

In education, we have lost a lot of teachers to burnout. The stress of the current education profession is unprecedented. Students have changed, teachers have changed, the administration has changed, and policies have changed. COVID not only impacts the body systems but also impacts the environment we live and interact with. Masks have been removed,, and distances closed,, but we have never been so far apart. Eye contact is brutal, all social interaction is tricky, OR we have just forgotten how to do it. Why is this? I believe it is related to reflections. We struggle (I do, for sure) to see what we are doing good and focus more on the added stress of the whole picture.

Reading an article published by Education Week, I believe the stress comes from the gaps during COVID. “It’s heartbreaking. The pressure is overwhelming,” Bouchard said. “I feel like a horrible teacher. I’ve been teaching for 22 years, and this might be the lowest self-esteem I’ve had.” I have heard this from countless teachers who are excellent but can not see past the tree. Each learning opportunity does grow the next. Some students will struggle due to this loss, but growth will happen. Getting back into a schedule with teachers who know their craft will help this loss of learning.

“Preoccupied with a single leaf, you won’t see the tree. Preoccupied with a single tree, you’ll miss the entire forest.” This quote from Takuan Soho identifies an issue with not seeing the big picture. This has changed, in my opinion, drastically. We have to focus on the leaf so the tree can grow, focus on the tree, so it rises to build a more substantial forest, and focus on the forest to develop a better world. Educators focus on the minor aspects to create a stronger student. This is what we do now and have always done. We have to take that aspect as a significant positive and grow from that. Education is not the same, but life is not the same. As humans, we adapt to meet the environment better we are exposed to with the ultimate goal of survival. Each experience allows us the gift of a lesson learned. Teachers showed their ability to adapt. Technology was used in ways that it has never been used before in education. If you question this statement I have a few videos of kindergarten students video meeting with their teacher through Google Meet. This alone would have never happened before the pandemic. Our teachers are resilient, to say the least, amazing would be better.

Reflections are tough. In some considerations, we see all of what we should have done or actions that should have been better. We look back at a situation or interaction with a critical eye. We all have areas that we could improve, but take note of the areas in which you are great. Education is not accessible, just ask any parent who had to deal with COVID teaching. Society forgets how many times they wished the schools to open and their students to return. We were heroes during that time, and we are still heroes now. Take solace in the fact that you work in a job that can be thankless but at the same time worthy of all awards. Awards for patients, caring, support, growth, and shaping our future should be given. You are an EDUCATOR, be proud of what you have done and what you will accomplish in the future.

Your partner in education and parenting,

Doug Greek EdD

Technology in the Classroom

Technology can feel very daunting in an elementary classroom, but it does not have to. Use the link below to learn more.

Technology can feel very daunting in an elementary classroom, but it does not have to. Teachers have been teaching for years before technology, as we know it, even came into the picture. When the first pencil became the “new thing,” we probably had someone who scoffed at the notion of using lead as a writing utensil. The exact definition of technology is something that makes work easier. This is what technology in the classroom can and should be doing. Streamlining the effort of work is the purpose of using technology in our lessons. 

The other part of using technology in the classroom is to teach students the proper usage. Technology can become a distraction and an interruption in the learning process. I have had teachers tell me they are not using technology at all, then complain their students take too long to log in to the device. Practice and being proactive is the key to using technology in your classroom. This is not an automatic practice nor an easy task at first. With practice, the time it takes for students to navigate learning resources will streamline. The more students learn, the more they will know, this is the case in using technology also. 

Another misconception when using technology is that “more is better.” This is not the case. In some instances, one technology used correctly and entirely is more powerful than many tools used halfway. Take Google Docs as an example. Google Docs can meet most needs in the classroom. Docs can be used as a presentation tool, infographic creator, close reading resource, differentiation in the area of speech to text and audio to read, data tracking, book creator, and many more. Have students create their rough draft using speech to text then print it for them to edit. This practice will allow students to speak freely without worrying about typing or spelling. It is not a written law that students have to create with pencil and paper. Allow for the option; this is the key to using technology. 

TPACK is a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge instructors need to combine for successful edtech integration—technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (a.k.a. TPACK).

Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) have to be balanced in today’s classroom. Plenty of research has proven that the balance of technology and purpose is critical in moving a class from average to above-average academically. This is mostly because the technology allows students and educators access to outside resources. Schools that do not embrace this concept are doing a disservice to our future leaders. Embracing the balance of TPACK should be a common practice among administrators, which will model best practices for their educators and students. To learn more about TPACK, click the link provided here.

Technology is not the goal or destination. Technology is a vessel that we use to travel more efficiently. The real question is, how can technology aid me in the classroom? The first step to answering this question is knowledge. Look at the learning goal, then chose the strategy, LASTLY select the tool. If you don’t know the objective, you will never arrive at that goal. If your goal is to have your students understand “X,” then decide how you help them to understand “X” and choose the tool to reinforce that strategy. If you are at a loss for the strategy, Dr. John Hattie and Dr. Robbert Marzano may be able to help.

Both researchers have completed extensive research on this topic, and you can read more using this link

Last thoughts
If you want to fight and resist technology usage because you are not comfortable, then your students will suffer. As educators, our job is to support and prepare our students as they grow. If we do not allow them to learn proper technology usage, then they will learn on their own. In some cases, this causes misconceptions in their learning journey. You, as an educator, are the best at what you do because you have learned from others. Embracing technology affords your students to learn from you. Students need to be allowed to fail in a safe and caring environment. The teacher provides this environment for students daily. 
In future posts, I will spend some time exploring resources and how to use them in your quest for authentic learning opportunities. 

Douglas Greek EdD, your partner in Educational Technology 

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!!!!!!!!!

This is what I have learned from my heated debates with my teenager.

I allow my kiddos to be online at home and after school as long as it does not hinder family activities. I also have full access to WIFI in my house, which means I can turn it off when I choose. In some cases, I shut off WIFI for my kids; this action causes mini-meltdowns. This is the background to why I had this question and why I researched this topic. I also believe this is something most parents ask and want answers to.

Humans do not like to be told what to do (NO WAY); we often argue with Humans do not like to be told what to do (NO WAY); we often argue with authority when asked or given a directive. There are many reasons that adolescents may become argumentative with their parents. We may want more independence, disagreeing about rules and values. Believing in something so much makes it is hard for us to take others’ perspectives into account. Trouble coping with emotions or immature thought processes regarding consequences of actions. Struggles working through conflicts with peers or adults. All or any of these situations could cause friction in your home. The following questions explore potential reasons teens may argue with their parents is the same for us when discussing our rights as adults.

Why is my child so argumentative?

How does your child’s behavior affect you? When your child becomes argumentative during an interaction, it affects you emotionally by triggering feelings of anxiety and annoyance. We also believe that they should do what we say without argument or question. In our mind, what we say is LAW! In their mind, it is an opportunity for debate. The power lies in the discussion and who can stay calmest.

Three triggers may cause your teen to argue with you:

  • The first is puberty, the second is hormones, and the third one is independence. Puberty brings hormonal changes, which will create mood swings, emotional outbursts, and feelings of vulnerability. 
  • Your teen wants to feel strong by asserting their own opinions rather than just agreeing with yours or others. 
  • They seek more independence during this time, so it becomes hard for parents to understand why they want their space even though you have given them plenty before.

What can I do about my teenagers’ constant arguing?

The most straightforward answer would be to change your perception of your child’s behavior as “arguing” and seek other methods to find a middle ground. This is a challenging concept to grasp.  If we cannot change our own views on what arguing is within our relationship with our teens, then all of this information will be useless.

There are many different reasons why the average teenager might argue with their parents. It could simply be that they feel like they know better than their parents because they are exposed to more things –  through school, sports, or even seeing it at home; I also fail at this daily. Teenagers often want more freedom and independence, which can cause them to rebel against parental figures for not giving them room to grow. They believe there is too much oversight by the “authorities” in their lives. This can create arguments between parent and child during this time where both parties think the other isn’t respecting them enough. Space is critical for me and may also help you. Relationships can both grow and die in this power struggle.

Suggestions for ending arguments with your child:

  • Try not to start an argument when you feel like you are already too upset.
  • When arguing, try to remain calm and level-headed at all costs. Sometimes taking a minute or two before joining the discussion can help control your emotions allowing for better interactions.
  • If you do lose your temper, take some time away from your child/teenager – separate yourself from them for a short while (a few minutes to an hour) as this may be triggering old memories of past arguments.

My point of view as a dad:

The reality is, I write this for my own headspace and wellbeing. I am not perfect and never will be. Even after all of my education and years as a classroom

The reality is, I write this for my own headspace and wellbeing. I am not perfect and never will be. After my years as a classroom educator, I find myself sliding into the “because I told you so”! Mindset. I commented a while back, “you get hard in the yard.” In this case, the “yard” interacts with tiny humans that we hope will become strong-minded adults. We want them to question, be assertive, and be headstrong, all with respect. If this is who we want them to be, who will be their role model? I try not to fail at this, but I do. Arguments become yelling matches. Feelings are hurt even if we do not want them to end like this. As parents, the most powerful thing is not to win; it is to show how we recover when we are wrong. We ALL fail. The key is how do we recover?

Your partner in education and parenting,

Douglas Greek EdD

Balance is critical in most situations.

Balance is key. In education, we try to find the fine line between frustration and learning. If you search this topic, you will find, “The zone of proximal development (sometimes abbreviated ZPD), is the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help. It is a concept developed by Soviet psychologist and social constructivist Lev Vygotsky (1896 – 1934).” If the ZPD is not found, a student can get to the point of frustration very quickly and shut down. In a perfect world, students would come to us with a “tag” that states what their ZPD is and the directions to follow in the quest for academic growth, not the case. So, what can we do to meet each student’s individual needs? Technology can be the answer (in some cases, not all).

Technology allows the time needed to assess each student then prescribe the needed resources to scaffold the student to their ZPD. Most programs that have Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration will adjust the difficulty of the questions based on how the student answers the delivered questions. An adaptive assessment may take 20 minutes to complete, but it can take that much time for each student in a classroom. This technology does NOT take the place of a well-informed and connected educator. Taking the data from the AI and comparing it with anecdotal notes and teacher observation is how we can support students best. I can already hear your thoughts! If the teacher has to do the work, why would they ever use technology to arrive at the same conclusion?! If you have ever evaluated 25+ students over a week, you will have to admit you get tired super quick, and the stories or math evaluations haunt you in your dreams. We are human; computer programs are not. This is why balance is essential. What does this look like in the classroom? In the next section, we will explore two resources of MANY. The two I have included here are, in my opinion, the best place to begin. I hope you find them helpful also. ReadingIQ is a fantastic resource that allows you to choose how the reading levels are reported and allows students to take a placement test. This is a FREE

This is a FREE digital resource in both fiction and nonfiction from Marvel, Pixar, National Geographic, and others that students will love to read. This is a great resource for teachers and meets all of the safety measures that are expected in our classrooms today (COPPA, CIPA, FERPA). Resources available in Reading IQ include all Disney products. 

With audiobooks and graphic novels, students of all ages can benefit from this excellent resource, and it is FREE. I know there are a bunch of other resources like GetEpic, Tumblebooks, and many many more. This resource has built-in differentiation through the assessment and different reading levels. Finding one resource to meet all of your students’ needs can be difficult, but with this one and your small group reading practice, and written material, you will give your students options that are engaging for them and you. In math, I like Prodigy Math, and before you start yelling at the computer that all students do is play games, read me out on this one. If you assign practice to your students based on what you know about your students, this is the program for you. First off, it is 100% free and easily navigatable for most. In the planner area of the program, you can assign activities to individual students or the whole class. When assigning activities, you mitigate the loss of time while using the program. There is no placement test, but in this instance, your knowledge as the teacher is more valuable than a placement test. 

If you are not assigning activities to your students in Prodigy, you SHOULD NOT be using this program. It is a waste of time if you do not spend some time. This is a powerful program, and with great power comes great responsibility (Uncle Ben, Spiderman). 

Final Thoughts

The vital aspect of any technology usage is a balance. Without balance, we will either not use technology at all, which is not an option for our students, or we will lose the personal connection that is also something our students need to be successful. Don’t place a student in front of a program and expect them to learn in the absents of the teacher and a personal connection. Students need to learn in their ZPD, and technology can only help. You, as the teacher/parent, need to use your professional judgment in choosing the right tool, digital and non-digital. 

Your partner in education and parenting,

Douglas Greek 

Vertual Learning, Still Learning


What do I know about 2020? Not much, to be honest. I think I know how I was able to prioritize my learning. I think I know how I was able to support teachers through this uncertain time in education. The reality is that we all did our best at what we felt the priorities were and are at these uncertain times. The question I would pose to you would be based on the why. Why did you choose your focus? Was it based on student needs, community needs, personal needs, OR did you just do what you always do and keep moving? I feel this is where I fell in my pandemic survival methodology. I just kept on doing what I always do, support.

 The world of education is never the same from quarter to quarter, semester to semester, or year to year. Our students, no matter the age, are always evolving. John Hattie, a researcher, well known in the education world, states any effort made in educating a student will see growth. The growth rate can change based on the strategy used and the action placed. The ultimate goal is to hit that .40 Effect Rate, which means one year of teaching equals one year of growth, but more is even better.

 How does this equate to adult learning (andragogy)? For me, adults are my students/learners who I am always trying to reach. The idea of supporting individuals that are in all areas of the learning curve can be challenging. This is mostly due to where they are in their technology understanding, pedagogy understanding, and content knowledge. This is referred to as TPACK. TPACK stands for Technology, Pedagogy, AND Content Knowledge. Balance is critical here, even in virtual learning.

 In most cases, this balance is more evident in a virtual setting. Most teachers know their content and even how to deliver that content (pedagogy), but the technology aspect is foreign when it becomes the only way to provide the learning. This is where the keep on keeping on concept for me comes into the mix. I have been in this position for eight years (EdTech.) From the very beginning, I have preached that technology is NOT the lesson, nor should it be the focus. Technology is an enhancer, both for good and the bad.

 Technology is a great enhancer. If you know your content and know your students, and somewhat understand tech, you will do fine. Issues happen when technology is forced into a lesson when it is not needed. If the lesson can stand alone without tech, there is a possibility that tech could enhance the validity of the learning opportunities for students. I have seen tech used in a “because I have to use it” manner and it becomes a distraction to the learning process. Tech has to be purposeful in its usage, and it should be in the planning, not just thrown in at the last minute.

 My shift happened when teachers learned about technology to apply that knowledge in a real-world application. Virtual teaching became just TEACHING, and with the switch came all of the “what ifs” associated with the virtual learning/teaching environment. Not all aspects of the change we’re trying, and we even were able to see some remarkable growth. The reality is, acceptable teaching practices are good no matter the modality that is used. There were clear front runners in virtual teaching. Teachers who had a “with it” quality in the classroom could transfer that practice into a virtual platform. I will focus on what they did to be successful with the hopes you can learn from their examples.

 Training your teachers should always be the first step in the process of a new venture. This would be the same for a new technology resource or new pedagogical practice. Once you have the “product” identified, you need to follow a few steps.

Education, as a whole, is different. Each person sees this change in a different light, positive or negative. The ones who see this change as unfavorable or in a negative light typically change their minds after they have all of the tools needed to be successful. Professional development is the #1 way to support and change the outcome of any new venture. I know this is not something you can just snap your fingers and have to happen overnight. Teachers need to know they are supported, period. Meeting your teachers where they are at is the goal, but you also need to know where they need to be at the end of the prescribed training.

 Beyond the training, you need to have follow-ups.  From my own experiences, if the training is a full-day effort, you need something for the teachers to complete on their own. Teachers want to work time along with the training. Building in processing time helps the learners practice the skill. Not all learners learn in the same way. Some learners need time for “hands-on” learning, while others can learn from listening to lectures. Mixing these two learning modalities help solidify the learning objectives.

 Lastly, movement is critical. Donal Blaney stated, “The mind can only absorb no more than the seat can endure.” Make sure movement is also a part of the effort in learning. Even a short “processing” time where learners get out of their seats and discuss critical aspects with other attendees is essential. Cooperative Learning techniques allow for interaction within a controlled, goal-oriented conversation. Sentence stems like:

1)    What was one thing you took away from…?

2)    Tell your partner two things you believe will be problematic when implementing…?

  1. How can you troubleshoot the solution to these problems?
  2. What suggestions would you have in troubleshooting these problems?

After staff has an opportunity to share, ask them to summarize the conversation back at their table. This is a simple processing skill that can be used throughout the day. Movement helps along with the processing from the learning goals of the day.

 After the training, it is vital to have your teachers build. Teachers who did very well in this shift from seated to virtual learning had a plan. This plan included a clear and constant schedule. This allowed parents and students to be prepared each day at the right time. If the meeting started at 8:30 a.m., the teacher was present 5-10 minutes before so students could join. This would happen 3-4 times throughout the day for direct instruction. This schedule was shared out with parents and students alike, so all were informed. Students could use various methods to keep this schedule in Infront of them, but the key is that they knew when and where they needed to be daily.

 Second, organize your resources, students, and teacher. If the teacher indicated, the students would need a whiteboard and marker for session “X,” the students and teacher would have that within arm’s reach. This includes all materials which were clearly outlined in the schedule mentioned in the first step. Resources also provide problem-solving the “what ifs.” What happens if you get kicked off of the video meeting? If the connection is the issue, try to turn off the device and restart. Other aspects would be added as the learning continues.

 The third would be support, support, and more support. Offer office hours for smaller group support. Make sure this time is also scheduled and focused. If your plans call for direct instruction of a newer concept, then you would follow that up with “open” time where students can join and ask questions as needed. If students don’t join, it is okay; just be available for the entire time if they chose to join after the start time. Also, stick to the time allotted. If you set the time to 30 minutes, then close the virtual room at 30 minutes. Consistency is key and allows for procedures to be set and expected.

 Other notable considerations would be in the area of rules/expectations. Outlining how a student should act when in a virtual meeting is key to seeing what you expect. It is tough to hit a target when you can’t see the target. Modeling the expectation is a great practice. Once the expectations are set, you should cover the consequences if those expectations are not met and how the student(s) can redeem themselves. This is a fairly open process and should be tailored to what is needed to mitigate distractions in your virtual classroom. Community building is key in seated and virtual education.

 Lastly, which should be first is/are relationships. Relationships will make or break the learning environment that you build. Relationships are the bedrock that anchors all aspects of your classroom. Students and parents need to believe you are a team with the same goals in mind for your students. Supporting the virtual classroom with curriculum, digital resources, and pedagogy is only the beginning of the process. Building the community within your classroom should always be job one.

 The pandemic has caused some areas of the “norm” to change, but not all change is bad. I have seen teachers who do okay with technology become experts in virtual learning. They may not recognize this, but I have. The pandemic has allowed teachers who have been somewhat reluctant to use tech a chance to become better. These changes have not been easy, and the shift may not have been ideal, but we worked through the struggle.

 Resilience is a virtue we as educators preach to our students. It is a lesson we have all learned. Being able to keep moving when times get rough. Being able to find the “good” in all. These traits make us humans and better teachers. I am constantly amazed at what I see. Teaching is and always has been a profession that changes, as it should. Our students are ever-evolving, and their needs change at the same time. As educators, we meet this need daily. This is the way.

Douglas Greek EdD